
Microsoft Money for Windows 95 README

August l995


(c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1995




1. Display: 256 colors vs. 16 colors

2. "Comm Port In Use" Error

3. Forgetting Your Password

4. Importing Quicken Files - QIF Import




Money for Windows 95 is designed to work in 256-color mode. It

will run in 16-color mode, but the screens may be more difficult

to read.

To determine what mode your video driver is set to:

1. From the Win95 Start menu, choose Settings then Control Panel.

2. Double-click Display.

3. Choose the Settings tab.

4. See the Color Palette setting to see which mode your computer

is set to. If your video card supports 256 colors, it will

be an option in the drop-down menu.




If you receive this message, it may be that Money crashed or some

other program failed to close the communications port properly. In

order to make another call you'll need to reboot Windows and

restart Money.




The best thing to do is take care in choosing and remembering your

password to prevent this problem.

However, if you forget your password and would like to regain access

to your Money file, you'll need to contact a company that specializes

in decrypting password-protected files.

Microsoft Product Support Services does not provide this service.

Microsoft makes no warranty and assumes no liability if you choose

to hire a company for these services.

Companies will typically charge you a fee for this service, so you

may decide that you would rather start over with a new Money file.

You may do your own research to find companies that provide this

service and what fees they charge before you decide which company

to choose.

You will need to provide the company you choose, with your data

file which is by default the following:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Money\My Money.mny

One company that provides this service, for a fee, is Access Data

Corp. In the U.S. call (800) 574-5199, and in Canada call

(801) 224-9223.

Microsoft provides no endorsement of or warranty for the services

of Access Data Corp.




FIRST, you should export all your Quicken accounts:


* Verify you're using Quicken for DOS version 3.0 or higher, or

Quicken for Windows.

* In Quicken, export each of your accounts to a separate QIF

file. This means you'll need to:

1. Click Export on the File menu to open the Export dialog box.

2. From the QIF File To Export box, type a path and name for the QIF

file you are exporting. (NOTE: You may want to give the file a

similar name to the account you are exporting.)

3. From the Quicken Account To Export box, select the account you

want to export with the name chosen in step 2.

4. From the Export Items section, select the information you want

exported with the file. Make sure all options are checked except

"Memorized Transactions" (they cannot be imported into Money).

5. Click OK.

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each of the remaining accounts

in your Quicken file.

IMPORTANT: Be careful to type a new name for each QIF file and

to choose the appropriate Quicken account from the list each

time you export an account (steps 2 and 3).

For example, if you have checking, savings, and credit card

accounts in Quicken, you'll export each into its own file with

a unique name, such as: Checking.qif, Savings.qif, and


Be sure to export all the QIF files to the same directory.

* If you use class groups in your Quicken file, create classifications

in Money before importing, once you've completed step 1 in the next


* Money will automatically create all the payees, categories, and

classification items it finds in the Quicken file. However, if

the option to export Account List is not available in your version

of Quicken, Money cannot create the necessary accounts to import

the QIF files automatically.

In this case it is recommended that, before importing the files,

you manually create in your Money file one account for each of

the accounts you have in Quicken. Be sure to use the same account

names in Money as you used in Quicken so it is easier to resolve

references among the accounts. Also, create the accounts in Money

with "0" opening balance. Money will take care of importing the

correct opening balance from the different QIF files. You can

manually create accounts in your Money file once you've completed

step 1 in the next section.

THEN, import the QIF files into Money:


1. Create a new Money file.

2. On the File menu in Money, click Import.

3. In the Import dialog box, select all the files you want to import

by pressing the CTRL key while clicking on the files in the list.

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that you import all the files

at the same time so that your transfer transactions import properly.

You will be able to delete unwanted accounts later. Remember that

you must have all exported QIF files in the same directory.

4. Click the Import button. Money will start importing one account

at a time.

5. In the Select Import Account dialog box that comes up, choose the

Money account you want the imported transactions added to, and then

follow the instructions on the screen to resolve references of that

account to other accounts.

NOTE: It is important that you read each Import dialog box Money

displays. These dialog boxes tell you what information you are

importing and where you are assigning the information in Money.

If the dialog box mentions a reference to an Investment Account

named "ABC Inv. Account," you should choose "ABC Inv. Account

(Cash)" from the list (read below for more information about how

Money uses Investment Accounts.) This name should be in the list

if you chose the Export Account List option when exporting the

Quicken accounts.

6. After one account is imported, Money will notify you that the

import is complete, and it will start importing the next QIF


7. You will need to repeat steps 5 and 6 for each account.

IMPORTANT: If during the Import process, you need to create a

new account to assign transfers to and you find you're unable

to create the account type you need, this will indicate that

the Account List was not exported from Quicken.

You can start again exporting all the Quicken files, making sure

this time you choose the option to export the Account List every

time you export an account. Or, if this option is not available,

manually create all the necessary accounts in Money before moving

to step 2.

NOTE: Money has a limit of 253 categories and subcategories.

If you reach the category limit while importing your Quicken

accounts, before moving to step 2 you can click Options in the

Tools menu, and then click Remove in the Categories tab. This

will delete all unused categories from your Money file. Money

will later re-create the necessary categories when importing

the QIF files.

FINALLY, resolve ending balance differences after importing

the QIF files:


There will be certain information that Money won't be able to

import because it is not present in the QIF file or is not

supported in Money, and you will need to update this manually

in Money. Also, Money will do its best to resolve references

between the different accounts based on the information provided

in the QIF file and on the accounts you choose during the import.

However, you should compare the balances in your Money accounts

with the balances in your Quicken accounts.

To help you resolve some potential problems, see the additional

information and tips. You can first print out Quicken's Account List

(Lists menu) and compare the balance to those in Money's Account

Manager (Balances view).

* If you track prices of investments in Quicken, you should know

that the price list is not exported to QIF, so you will need to

update the price list in Money with the most recent price of your

investments. If you want to copy the complete price history, you

can print this list from Quicken clicking Prices in the Portfolio

View, and then clicking Print. In Money, you can update prices

clicking the Update Prices button in the Investment Portfolio.

* Your memorized transaction list won't be imported. However, Money

lets you create scheduled payments or deposits in the Payment


* Your Quicken loans will be imported as Liability Accounts. You can

leave them as liability accounts, or you can re-create the loan

information in Money using the New Loan Account Wizard.

* If there are transactions missing for a specific date range, make

sure the date range you chose while exporting the transactions in

Quicken's QIF Export dialog box included all the transactions in

the register. This should not be a problem if you left the default

option to export "All Dates."

* If no transaction is imported at all, be sure the Transaction option

in the QIF Export dialog box is selected when you are exporting from

Quicken. This option is selected by default, but perhaps was

accidentally turned off.

* If all the accounts didn't get created in Money, make sure you chose

the Accounts List option under Export Items in the QIF Export dialog

box in Quicken for *each* exported account. If that option was not

available, it is recommended that you first manually create all the

necessary accounts in Money before importing.

* If you notice that your transfer transactions are duplicated in

each account, you probably imported one account at a time. You

should import the QIF files again in a new Money file, and in the

Import dialog box in Money use the CTRL key while clicking with

your mouse to select all the accounts so Money can import all

the accounts at the same time.

* When Money is not able to resolve references or transfers between

different accounts or other information found in the QIF file,

it will add the following line to the memo field of the transaction:

"Imported information was incorrect."

It is recommended that, after the import is completed, you review

these transactions for accuracy using the Find dialog box in Money

by clicking on Find on the Tools menu to search for transactions

with this text.

* Additional information About Importing Investment Accounts in


For each Quicken investment account, Money will create two

accounts: an Investment Account and an Associated Cash Account.

When Money is importing the information associated with the

cash account, it will give you the option of assigning that

information to <Investment Account Name (Cash)>. When Money is

importing the actual investment information (for example, 100

shares of ABC stock at $80.00/share), it will give you the

opportunity to create the investment and enter the investment

information such as the stock symbol, tax status, and comments.

Since you will need to enter symbols for all your investments,

you may want to print the Portfolio View in Quicken before

importing. This lists investments and their symbols.

Look for investment transactions with negative values in the

transfer amount field (Xfer Amt) and the Amount field in the

Quicken register. If these transactions contain amounts invalid

to Money, Money will still import them but have to alter their

signs from negative to positive. For example, if you had negative

dividends in any of your Quicken accounts, they could have been

imported as positive numbers in Money since Money does not allow

negative dividends.

If you had in Quicken a transfer transaction in an investment

account from or to a deleted account, Money won't have enough

information to import the transaction correctly and will display

a message alerting you that some transfers associated with some

investments in the file you imported may have been ignored.

You will need to compare the original file to your Money file

and look in Quicken for those type of transactions.

Not all of the investment options transfer correctly from Quicken.

In those cases, Money will bring up the following message: "Some

of your imported transactions contained errors or inconsistencies.

Money imported them as Other Income or Other Expense transactions,

with the note "Imported Information was incorrect" in the Memo

field." For example, Money does not have a Reinvest Long term

Capital Gains option like Quicken. If the investment refers to an

investment option that does not exist in Money, the line

mentioned in the previous section "Imported information was

incorrect" will be entered into that transaction and you should

click Find on the Tools menu in Money to find transactions

that contain that text.

Money allows you to keep track of shares, but not lots. Also,

Money won't allow you to sell shares you don't own, so if you

have a Quicken account with these type of transactions you will

need to review this account in the Money file.


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